[l2h] Bug report: configure --with-latex error

Techentin, Robert W. techentin.robert at mayo.edu
Thu Jan 8 22:09:29 CET 2004

Hi folks,

I have just configured and installed latex2html-2002-2-1 to work with
texlive on HP-UX 11.0 and Red Hat Linux 9.0.  I discovered a bug in the
configure script while installing on Linux, and I wanted to report it to the

When configuring for Linux, I wanted latex2html to use the texlive
installation instead of the native tex/latex in /usr/bin.  After some
experiementation, I realized that I needed to supply the --with-tex,
--with-latex, --with-initex, etc. switches to configure.  Unfortunately, a
bug in the configure script prevented it from ever finding the correct latex
executable.  It looks like options for pnmcrop were added with the
'with_latex' variable.  This patch fixes the problem.

--- configure.orig      2002-04-28 00:15:01.000000000 -0500
+++ configure   2004-01-08 10:29:18.000000000 -0600
@@ -845,7 +845,7 @@
-  with_latex=${PNMCROP:-}
+  with_pnmcrop=${PNMCROP:-}
 # Check whether --with-tex or --without-tex was given.
@@ -1188,7 +1188,7 @@
   GS=$with_gs \
   DVIPS=$with_dvips \
   LATEX=$with_latex \
-  PNMCROP=$with_latex \
+  PNMCROP=$with_pnmcrop \
   TEX=$with_tex \
   INITEX=$with_initex \
   KPSEWHICH=$with_kpsewhich \

Bob Techentin                        techentin.robert at mayo.edu 
Mayo Foundation                                 (507) 538-5495 
200 First St. SW                            FAX (507) 284-9171
Rochester MN, 55901  USA            http://www.mayo.edu/sppdg/ 

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