[l2h] Extending latex2hmtl to handle more packages (resume and bibunits)

Luis Miguel Silveira lms at inesc-id.pt
Tue Aug 5 17:46:41 CEST 2003


I wonder if anyone can provide some help/guidance into how I can
extend latex2html to handle a couple more packages.  Specifically I
use a style file (package) named resume.sty for my CV.  This style
file defines a couple of simple commands (about 6 or seven) that
latex2html does not seem to be able to parse (not even sure it
attempts to treats it in any way as it states to have found no
implementation for the package).

I poked around the latex2html docs and the code and could not quite
figure out what needs to be done or how to make it
read/understand/parse the command definitions.  Presumably a
possibility would be to produce a resume.perl file in order to help it
parse the commands and handle the enviornment, but I must confess I
could not figure out how to do it.

On the same document I also use the bibunits package that allows me to
generate multiple bibliographies for the same document.  Here again
latex2html cannot find an implementation for the package and fails to
handle it correctly.  In this case it seems to generate images for the
various bibliographies but the images are actually bogus.  I am not
sure it can handle the multiple bibliographies not even that it can
find the appropriate *.N.bbl files that are generated.

Any and all help with this issue would be very appreciated.  Thanks
for your time.

Best regards,

-L. Miguel Silveira

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