[l2h] Image Title vs Text Title

Benoit des Ligneris bligneri@physique.usherb.ca
Mon, 25 Nov 2002 00:11:18 -0500


I use the latest latex2html version (2002-2-1)

I observe a strange behavior : in one case an image is generated, in the
other case text is produced (which is the expected behavior).

The two files have the exact same headers and begin with an include of
the title page.

The title page is almost the same and the result is different :
http://benoit.des.ligneris.net/oscar/html/install/ (image)
http://benoit.des.ligneris.net/oscar/html/quick_install/ (text)

titlepage.tex included in install.tex
\title{How to Install an OSCAR Cluster \\
Software Version \oscarversion \\
Documentation Version \docsversion \\
\ \\
\url{http://oscar.sourceforge.net/} \\

\author{The Open Cluster Group \\
quick_titlepage.tex included in quick_install.tex
\title{How to Install an OSCAR Cluster \\
Quick Start Install Guide \\
Software Version \oscarversion \\
Documentation Version \docsversion \\
\ \\
\url{http://oscar.sourceforge.net/} \\

\author{The Open Cluster Group \\

Because it is a complex structure, I can't include all the files involved. 
They can be browsed on the OSCAR CVS repository there : 

Thanks for any hints/help/suggestion !


Benoit des Ligneris               Etudiant au Doctorat -- Ph. D. Student
Web :                                    http://benoit.des.ligneris.net/
Vice-President du GULUS vice-president             http://www.gulus.org/
Mydynaweb Developpe(u)r:                           http://mydynaweb.net/
GPG/PGP Key                 http://benoit.des.ligneris.net/linux/gpg.txt