[l2h] small bug 2K.1beta (1.61)

Ulrich G. Wortmann uliw@erdw.ethz.ch
12 Feb 2002 15:44:24 +0100

Hi there,

the little bug wrt frame-handling outlined in my previous mail, is
caused by a an empty frameset definition in the *_mn.html file, which
looks e.g., like

        <FRAME SRC="" NAME="footer" SCROLLING="auto">

this line is even there, if one sets

        $NO_FOOTNODE = 1;



	Uli Wortmann           http://www.spoc.ethz.ch/uli
	Dept. of Geology       Fax (Switzerland) (1) 632  1030
	ETH-Zuerich            Fon                        3694