[l2h] Re: black frame around math figures

enrico s172776.NOSPAM@studenti.ing.unipi.it
Tue, 1 May 2001 18:37:52 +0000 (GMT)

On Tue, 1 May 2001, Ross Moore wrote:

> What version of netpbm are you using ?
> The last person to report on this bug was using v 9.5 under RedHat.
> With this version of netpbm, and all versions up to 9.11,
> check whether pstoimg is configured correctly.
> It should contain lines:
> # Netpbm
> my $PNMCROP = '/usr/local/bin/pnmcrop -verbose ';
>                                      ^^^^^^^^^^ -----  important !
> and the arguments to  pnmcrop  commands are built as follows:
>     if($edge =~ /b/i) {
>       $croparg = '-bot -black ';
>     } elsif($edge =~ /[tlr]/i) {
>       $croparg = "-$edge -black ";
>     } elsif($edge =~ /s/i) {
> and
>       if(&do_cmd_norename("$PNMCROP -bot -black< $in",$tmp)) {
> Note the use of  '-black ' in these 3 instances.
> This allows correct cropping to get images of the desired size,
> with the necessary padding below and on either side.
> However, the use of '-black' is a temporary thing only,
> for it will not work when typesetting in colored text;
> it only works for black text/math on a non-black background.
> Do *not* append ' -black' to the value of $PNMCROP .
> That certainly does not work.

Thanks, I've solved my problem :-)

The latex2html included in RedHat Linux 7.1 was not the last, and was

Version included in RH 7.1 : 2K.1beta (1.47)
Last upload (for now) : 2K.1beta (1.50)

I've installed the really last, and works great.
Also, RH 7.1 provides netpbm-9.9, which appears to work.

thanks again,


ps, would you like driving people to get crazy ?!   :-))))))
why on earth don't you use a standard version numbering, like "version
1.2.3", or "2001-12-31.ver123" or similar?
If you upload a file named: "latex2html-2K1beta.tar.gz"
how can one knows if it's the last, or not, or whatever else ...?!