[l2h] HOWTO change background color

Ross Moore ross@ics.mq.edu.au
Tue, 21 Aug 2001 07:09:00 +1000 (EST)

> Dear all,

Hello Patrick,

> When I run latex2html, the default background color is grey, I would like
> it to be white, is there a way to specify it?


Put this in the document preamble.
Read the documentation for LaTeX's color package to find out
how to specify arbitrary colors, for text bits in your documents.
To get this documentation, typeset the file  color.dtx 
which should be somewhere on your system:   latex color.dtx

> Another thing is that when inserting mathematical objects (either with $$
> or \[\]), I get a small black frame on the left side and at the bottom
> (when using $$), is there a way to remove  these?

Find out which version of  pnmcrop  is installed:   pnmcrop --version
If it is  v9.12 or later, then try editing a line in the  pstoimg  script.
Change  $PNMBLACK = '-black';  to  $PNMBLACK = ' -sides ';

This will not work with earlier versions of pnmcrop, so I'd advise
updating your complete  netpbm  if you have an earlier version.

> Sincerely

Hope this helps,

	Ross Moore

> Patrick
> ======================================================================
> 				  Patrick Guio
> 		    Institute of Physics, University of Oslo
> 		      P.O. box 1048, Blindern, N-0316 Oslo
> 	       Tel : (+47) 22 84 40 60 - Fax : (+47) 22 85 56 71
> 			E-mail : patrick.guio@fys.uio.no
> 		  URL : http://www.fys.uio.no/~patricg
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