[l2h] Some problems with 99.1

Chris Fox Chris Fox <C.Fox@gold.ac.uk>
Mon, 14 Jun 1999 11:50:22 +0100


With regard to your last two questions: to remove the foonote frame 
completely you can set


or any number greater than 1. As you note, without this you can get 
strange artifacts with some browsers if the document has no footnote. 
 (E.g. Netscape v4.x seems to display the previously viewed document 
in the footnote frame.)

To get a horizontally scrollable Contents frame, set both $TOC_WIDTH 

$TOC_WIDTH = 210;

which displays 210 pixels, and scrolls over the full 320 pixel width.


On Mon, 14 Jun 1999 08:59:38 +0200, Anders Magnusson wrote:
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>I've just upgraded from 98.1 to 99.1, mainly to get the frames 
support. =
>My test document is my licentiate thesis, which contains allot of =
>equations. I've noticed e few problems with the new version which =
>weren't there in the old:
>* subequations destroys the equation numbering. I use =
>\numberwithin(equation}{section} and after the first equation with =
>subequations the numbering goes wrong, in my case after eq 3.4 
(a-d), =
>the next equation becomes (e), then (f) and so on. The next time 
there =
>is a subequation (3.17 a-d) that one becomes right, but then the =
>numbers continues as letters again. In the next sections the 
equations =
>starts with (a) again not (4.1).
>* bmatix within gather or align. Gives errors like =
> *** failed to find \end for: \begin<#4451#>bmatrix<#4451#> =
>and the output gets all messed up. I've "solved" it for now =
>by using makeimage. See e.g. (3.19) or (5.31).
>* The footnotes-frame contains a listing of the directory if there 
are =
>no footnotes at all in the document. I've "solved" this by adding a =
>* This is probably just me, but how do I get the horizontal 
scrollbar =
>in the contents window?
>The document I've tested on is in =
>http://www.hallf.lth.se/~hlam/tl2hlic/lic/lic and the TeX-files in 
the =
>library above if anyone cares to take a look at it. In my =
>=2Elatex2html-init I have =
>$ADDRESS =3D "<I><A href=3D\"http://www.hallf.lth.se/~hlam/Welcome.ht
>>$address_data[0]</a> <BR>\n$address_data[1]</I>";
>$DVIPS_MODE =3D "";
>Thanks =
>-- =

Dr. Chris Fox,  Dept. of Mathematical & Computing Sciences, Goldsmiths
College, New Cross, London SE14 6NW, UK.       Email: C.Fox@gold.ac.uk
http://homepages.gold.ac.uk/chris/    Tel/Fax: +44(0)171 919 7856/7853