[l2h] Extending latex2html

Bek Oberin Bek Oberin <gossamer@tertius.net.au>
Mon, 26 Apr 1999 08:07:37 +1000

We have an in-house class file and style file that we use here, and
I want to extend latex2html to cope with them.  The documentation
isn't really clear on the hooks you can use when writing extra
perl documentation.

I've checked article.perl and a few others and I'm still none the
wiser.  Is there any documentation anywhere about this?


Both my latex2html distribution and the info file at the archives
said this list was at some  .gov address - they need updating.

: --Hacker-Neophile-Eclectic-Geek-Grrl-Queer-Disabled-Boychick--
: gossamer@tertius.net.au   http://www.tertius.net.au/~gossamer/