[l2h] Re: latex2html: Frames implemented for HTML 4.0

Ross MOORE Ross MOORE <ross@mpce.mq.edu.au>
Mon, 19 Apr 1999 19:04:22 +1000 (EST)

> JT> I love the frames.  Too bad they're so slow to display...

>They take a full 12 seconds to display on my pathetic R4400 SGI at
>work using Netscape 4.08 or 4.51.

Yeah, but I can't do much about that.
The problem is that each new page means that as many as 7 HTML files
have to be read !! 

 ...otherwise the Next/Up/Prev navigation will not work properly,
and internal hyperlinked cross-references may break,
or cause new browser windows to be generated.

If the traditional navigation panel is required, but in a separate
frame, the all of 
  1. navigation
  2. main body
  3. footnotes
must be loaded within an enclosing frame.
Since all 3 files change with a new page,
the frameset itself must be unique to the page;
it is not enough to try to use an already-loaded frameset.

Then each extra view; e.g. using 'Contents' and/or 'Index'
as extra navigation frames,
requires a new frameset, plus requiring another frameset
to be able to switch back to the 'standard' view.

This is the only way that I could find to allow all the expected
behaviours of a LaTeX2HTML document, plus 
 A. the attractiveness of frames;
 B. the usefulness of alternative frameset views.

If anyone can devise a simpler scheme, then I'd love to hear
about it.

Hope this helps,

	Ross Moore