[ho-tex] the new oberdiek package

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Thu May 12 01:21:39 CEST 2016

Akira: FYI, the oberdiek and hyperref packages are now being maintained
by (mostly) David Carlisle and Joseph Wright, with kibitzing from me, as
well as still by Heiko, his time permitting.  There is a public mailing
list ho-tex at tug.org (http://lists.tug.org/ho-tex) for it, with the four
of us on it.

Akira sent this to Heiko and me:

    I think that strangely some of oberdiek packages are
    not updated.
    oberdiek.pdftexcmds.lua is the old 2011/11/29 v0.20
    which causes an inconsistency error with the new
    While pdftexcmds.dtx contains the new
    oberdiek.pdftexcmds.lua 2016/05/10 v0.21.

I installed from the new oberdiek.tds.zip that David created and
uploaded to CTAN.  I noticed that oberdiek.pdftexcmds.lua was not
updated (while pdftexcmds.lua was), but forgot that the version
discrepancy was a fatal error.  Sigh.

Unfortunately because ifpdf being merged back into oberdiek, vs. its own
package, I can't easily revert.  So I guess it will just have to stay
broken for tonight's build.  I'm guessing David will be able to make a
new .tds.zip for tomorrow.  (David: if so, please send it to me one way
or another so we don't have to wait for the CTAN install.)

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