[gentium] font variants for pdflatex

Thorsten Glaser tg at evolvis.org
Thu May 18 01:46:58 CEST 2023

Hi Karl,

>(FYI, I only cc'd Bob [now taking him off] because I knew he has made


>I think features can also affect accent positioning and maybe other
>things, but I agree, mostly about swapping glyphs around.

For these I’m most interested, yes.

>    For the manual process, I'm doing this:
>Wow. You are doing far more than anyone else I know has attempted.
>It would be fantastic to have a general solution along these lines.

Yeah, I wish. But, as you said, some features can do more.

>    I tried with Font::TTF but I utterly fail at that,
>I am clueless, but maybe Font::TTF is too old for the Gentium ttf's. It

Nah, it’s me not really knowing Perl and Font::TTF lacking
sufficient documentation. I know Font::TTF is, if not even
coming *from* SIL, used in their TypeTuner, so it’s designed
to work well with all contemporarily released SIL fonts.

>If I were starting down this road (which I'm not, sorry) I would be
>tempted to use ttx (fonttools, https://github.com/fonttools/fonttools)
>to generate XML for the font and use that to garner the

Oh, interesting. I’ll have a look at this. Font::TTF and
ttfdump were just the two things I already used elsewhere
and therefore checked to see if they produce helpful output.

But if we can do it in the .tfm while keeping the .enc
unchanged, then even better. That’s what I will probably
look at first. (Buried under RL work though.)

>Let me/us know how it goes ... sorry I don't have any real help to offer.

I really do appreciate you trying to help nevertheless;
this is more than one often gets if asking “nōn-standard”

Have a nice week,
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mksh auf jedem System zu installieren.“
	-- XTaran auf der OpenRheinRuhr, ganz begeistert
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