[Fontinst] reglyphing and kerns

cfrees at imapmail.org cfrees at imapmail.org
Tue Aug 10 00:13:58 CEST 2010

On Mon 9th Aug, 2010 at 21:00, John D Lamb seems to have written:

> On Mon, 2010-08-09 at 18:56 +0100, Dr. Clea F. Rees wrote:
>> I am working with an enormous font containing several latin and greek
>> alphabets. To install a particular alphabet, I'm using reglyphing. For
>> example:
>>  	\renameglyph{A}{some-other-A}
>> I'm totally fed up and frustrated. (This is not the fault of anybody so
>> please don't think I am suggesting for one second otherwise. I'm simply
>> explaining why I'm asking for advice.) I'd appreciate any advice anyone
>> can give me for dealing with an enormous font which contains almost (but
>> not quite) all the symbols and letters needed for a maths setup as well
>> as many text characters.
> I’ve had similar issues with a reglyphed font. My solution was to
> construct a table of about 1400 kern pairs, rm-kerns.mtx and then use
> them when installing the font.
> \installfont{frer8t}{text-rm2rm-8r,rm-kerns,newlatin}{t1}{T1}{fre}{m}{n}{<-16>}
> rm-kerns.mtx contains lines like
> \setkern{space}{W}{20}
> \setkern{space}{V}{20}
> \setkern{dollar}{five}{-20}
> I also use a few \setleftrightkerning commands to handle ligatures.
Thanks. It is nice to know it is not just me missing something obvious,
at least!

Question: your setup looks as though it simply adds kerning pairs. Did
you do anything to remove existing kerns?

Also, is there any reason you included {space}? I thought TeX didn't
use a glyph for space in any case.


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