[edutex] Introduction

Hefferon, James S. jhefferon at smcvt.edu
Wed Sep 7 15:14:03 CEST 2016

Peter mentioned having given courses.  I have a *very* preliminary pass at topics, and I'd be glad for any suggestions from experienced people.  

Again, the model is that a college instructor could assign people to take the training, say at the start of a class.  So the goal is to cover what a person needs to do undergrad homework in math, CS, or a science.  The tension is, of course, that we'd like to do it with minimal time and fuss.

I imagined a dozen lessons, each a 10-minute video, and with some fill-in-the-blank-type questions at the end.  (Perhaps I am optimistic with 10 minutes but of course with a video a person can rewind, etc., so it differs from an in-person presentation.)  At the end the student needs to write some small LaTeX docs.  Here is a first take at lesson topics.

  1) Your first LaTeX document
  2) The structure of a document (logical formatting; sections, footnotes)
  3) Mathematics
  4) More mathematics: amsmath and theorems, etc.
  5) Tables
  6) Graphics
  7) Source code listings
  8) More structure (cross-references, table of contents, indices)
  9) Bibliography
  10) TikZ
  11) Packages (including Beamer) and the community
  12) Final Exam


We none of us expect to be in smooth water all our days.
    -- Jane Austen

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