
The Communications of 
the TeX Users Group

TUGboat 35:1, 2014

printing press

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Complete issue 35:1 as one pdf (6mb) 
Front cover   c1 
Inside front cover   c2 
Contents ordered by difficulty   c3 
Title page   
Editorial information   
General Delivery
Ab epistulis 
  Steve Peter      [Introductory — what publishers want]
Editorial comments 
  Barbara Beeton      [Introductory — typography and TUGboat news]
    Updike prize for student type design;     Talk by Matthew Carter;     R.I.P. Mike Parker (1929–2014);     Turing Award for Leslie Lamport;     TAOCP volume 1 issued as an e-book;     Other items worth a look
The TeX tuneup of 2014 
  Donald Knuth      [Intermediate Plus — the 2014 updates to TeX, Metafont, etc.]
Making lists: A journey into unknown grammar 
  James Hunt      [Introductory — prescriptions for correct usage of itemized, enumerated, definition lists]
In memoriam Jean-Pierre Drucbert 
  Jean-Michel Hufflen 
Does not suffice to run LaTeX a finite number of times to get cross-references right 
  Jaime Gaspar      [Introductory — simple counterexample]
Fetamont: An extended logo typeface 
  Linus Romer      [Intermediate — the Metafont logo in many variants, anchors and kerning classes in Metafont, history]
LaTeX3 news, issue 9 
  LaTeX Project Team      [Intermediate — Hiatus?; expl3 in the community; logo; recent activity; what can you do for LaTeX3?]
Introduction to presentations with beamer 
  Thomas Thurnherr      [Intermediate — sequence of examples for making slides for presentations]
The beamer class: Controlling overlays 
  Joseph Wright      [Intermediate — practical examples for revealing slides step by step]
Boxes and more boxes 
  Ivan Pagnossin      [Introductory — introduction to box concepts and usage in LaTeX]
Glisterings: Glyphs; long labels 
  Peter Wilson 
         Asterism; Raising a character; Boxing a glyph; Glyph widths; Font size; Long labels
The pkgloader and lt3graph packages: Toward simple and powerful package management for LaTeX 
  Michiel Helvensteijn      [Intermediate Plus — addressing LaTeX package conflicts in a general way, and general graph representation]
Software & Tools
An overview of Pandoc 
  Massimiliano Dominici      [Intermediate — conversion from Markdown to many output formats, including LaTeX]
Numerical methods with LuaLaTeX 
  Juan Montijano, Mario Pérez, Luis Rández, Juan Luis Varona      [Intermediate Plus — examples of mathematical computations and graphics eased by LuaTeX]
Parsing PDF content streams with LuaTeX 
  Taco Hoekwater      [Advanced — overview of the new pdfparser library in LuaTeX]
ModernDvi: A high quality rendering and modern DVI viewer 
  Antoine Bossard, Takeyuki Nagao      [Intermediate Plus — a multi-threading application available at the Windows Store]
Selection in PDF viewers and a LuaTeX bug 
  Hans Hagen      [Advanced — selection of text vs. display math leads to uncovering a bug in new primitives]
Parsers in TeX and using CWEB for general pretty-printing 
  Alexander Shibakov      [Advanced — using bison and flex to implement parsers and scanners in TeX]
Entry-level MetaPost 4: Artful lines 
  Mari Voipio      [Introductory — line widths, joins, caps, dashes, arrows, default options, grids]
drawdot in MetaPost: A bug, a fix 
  Hans Hagen      [Intermediate Plus — bug report from Knuth: drawdot should not draw an open dot]
Electronic Documents
HTML to LaTeX transformation 
  Frederik Schlupkothen      [Intermediate — introduces a mapping from HTML commands to LaTeX, using several packages]
Scientific documents written by novice researchers: A personal experience in Latin America 
  Ludger Suarez–Burgoa      [Introductory — 20 years of writing scientific documents, from the typewriter to a new LaTeX class]
Macro memories, 1964–2013 
  David Walden      [Advanced — informal musings about macros in TeX, M4, the early ARPANET, etc.]
Eutypon: Contents of issue 30–31 (October 2013)   111 
Die TeXnische Komödie: Contents of issue 1/2014   111 
Hints & Tricks
The treasure chest 
  Karl Berry      [Intermediate — new CTAN packages, December 2013–March 2014]
Book Reviews
Book reviews: LaTeX for Complete Novices and Using LaTeX to Write a PhD Thesis, by Nicola Talbot 
  Boris Veytsman 
         See the TUG books page for all book reviews and discounts.
Book review: Dynamic Documents with R and knitr, by Yihui Xie 
  Boris Veytsman      [Reports and notices — including some tutorial material on data exploration and plotting]
TUG Business
TUG financial statements for 2013 
  Karl Berry 
Institutional members   121 
TeX consulting and production services   121 
Calendar   123 
TUG 2014 announcement   124 

TUGboat 35:1, 2014 (issue 109)   [generated 2024-09-12]
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