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help with Sabon

OK, I'm trying to create a set of metrics for Sabon that uses the oldstyle
numerals from the OSF/Small Caps fonts. Here's where things stand:

1) I've renamed the pfb and afm files, I think correctly. Here's the list:

psbb8a.afm      psbb8a.pfb
psbbi8a.afm     psbbi8a.pfb     
psbbij8a.afm    psbbij8a.pfb    
psbbj8a.afm     psbbj8a.pfb     
psbr8a.afm      psbr8a.pfb      
psbrc8a.afm     psbrc8a.pfb
psbrcj8a.afm    psbrcj8a.pfb    
psbri8a.afm     psbri8a.pfb
psbrij8a.afm    psbrij8a.pfb 

The only mystery there is whether the OSF/Small caps roman font should be
called psbrc8a or pbrcj8a. I ended up making a copy of the files and trying
both names.

2) I edited the afm files to give the correct gliph names. The only real
problem here is (again) with psbrc8a.afm, which has "a" where is should
have "Asmall" and so on. I don't remember whether I also did this for the
oldstyle digits in the other files. (I actually did this part long ago when
I first set up these fonts with an old version of fontinst -- at that time
the font names were psbrc9.afm and so on.)

3) I created a sabon.tex file containing basically just

\input fontinst.sty

4) I get an error message: 

Warning: \ligature for unknown slot `ffi'.
Warning: \ligature for unknown slot `ffl'.
Warning: \ligature for unknown slot `fi'.
Warning: \ligature for unknown slot `ff'.
Warning: \ligature for unknown slot `fl'.
) (d:/TeX/texmf/tex/fontinst/etx/8r.etx)
Font written on psbrc8r.pl.
INFO> run \installfont <psbrc7t><psbrc8r,latin><OT1><OT1><psb><m><sc>
(./psbrc8r.mtx) (d:/TeX/texmf/tex/fontinst/mtx/latin.mtx
! Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again>
\x_resetint ...etsomething_global \ifnum \result <
                                                  \max_mathchardef \ifnum

\setint ...ifx {i-#1}\x_relax \x_resetint {#1}{#2}
l.141 \setint{descender}{\depth{g}}

5) This seems to mean that fontinst is looking for a character "g" to find
its depth, but since this is a small caps font there is no g, only a

So: what am I doing wrong?



Fernando Q. Gouvea                              
Dept. of Mathematics                            Editor, FOCUS and MAA Online
Colby College                                   http://www.maa.org
Waterville, ME 04901

Reality is for those who can't face Science Fiction.